Monday 23 September 2013

What Interests Me: Park Guell

Park Guell is situated in Barcelona, on a hill with views overlooking the city and the sea. I went there this Summer and discovered how amazing it was. The famous architect Antoni Gaudi, designed the park and it features his work. 

Antoni Gaudi was a Catalan architect in the late 19th, early 20th century, here is a mini bio of him:

Park Guell
I found some information about Park Guell through different sources and here are the most interesting facts.

Graphic Design
This is an example of how Gaudi's work has inspired a graphic designer for this Google Doodle:

As his style has been likened to the Art Nouveau movement, here are some examples of Art Nouveau in Graphic Design.

old man Graphic Designer and Illustrator Roberlan Borges

Here are my own pictures from when I visited Park Guell:

Here are some images I found here:

This is a view of the city from the terrace.

This is the walkway in the walls of the terrace.

Here is part of the ceiling of the Hipostyle room.

This is the Pavilion building, which is now for information about the Park.

This is a close up of the mosaic ceiling in the Hipostyle room.

Here is a view of the park, with the wall resembling palm tree trunks.

Here is a view from the terrace.

Here is the mosaic lizard Gaudi created.

Here is the mosaic sea serpent seating on the terrace.

Here is a view of the terrace.

Here is a panoramic view of Park Guell from the terrace.

Although I love Park Guell, and all of Gaudi's architecture, I'm not going to focus on it. I do think that it can be related to Graphic Design through illustration, shape and texture as Gaudi uses a lot of bright colours and unusual shapes, however I don't think there is much scope for it in a future brief.

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