Monday 23 September 2013

What Interests Me: Finland

I have chosen to research Finland as one of my topics. This is what interests me the most out of the three topics because there is so much scope for this, and does not limit me to something small. 
The country has so many different qualities about it which are unique to other parts of the world such as the weather, nature and beliefs. 

Why I Think It's Interesting
Having been to Helsinki before, I have already had a taste of what the country is like and I thoroughly enjoyed the city. It was very laidback, although it had everything you could want from a City. 
I think it's a very strange country, to have Lapland where people make a living of pretending to be something for children to believe in; where the Sami people still live in the past and herd reindeer; where the forests are protected fiercely and nature is unlike anything I've heard of with no sunlight during Winter, no night during Summer and the Northern Lights covering the Northern skies.
So I wanted to research it further and find out more about so many things I've never experienced but would love the opportunity to.

Target Audiences

Children are definitely something that Finns embrace, with it being the home of Lapland and where the Moomins originated from. Children can visit Santa and his elves, for a true Christmas experience in the North, as well as visit the Moomin valley themepark in the South.

It is definitely a place for the outdoorsy - with over 188,00 lakes, 37 national parks and weather for every type of sport it is somewhere where you can embrace that. Finland also offers unusual sports such as reindeer races, wife throwing competitions and swamp soccer, so there is something for everybody.

People who like to relax also fit in well here - saunas are a big thing in Finland, where more people own a sauna than a car. It's an honour to be invited to join a sauna here, and people are a lot more laidback at the rules. For example, you're not expected to wear a swimming suit or towel; you can drink alcohol and there is no time limit. Another way to relax is to visit the forests and parks that take up 86% of the land there.

People interested in art, design and architecture will also feel at home here with Helsinki being named the Design Capital of the World in 2012. You can visit the Design District which has all kinds of shops, hotels and galleries for you to wander about in Helsinki, or visit one of the many museums such as the Museum of Finnish Architecture or Kiasma.

There are many strange restaurants in Helsinki, such as one with a menu entirely based around garlic; a restaurant which has a laundrette; a tiki bar; Zetor, which has tractors and stuffed animals as decor and the Design Forum which also sells art and design. And if these aren't enough for you, you can set up your own restaurant four times a year on Restaurant Day!

Finland holds an array of unusual events and traditions, which include:
Air Guitar World Championships
Mobile Phone Throwing Championships
Sauna World Championships
Berry Picking Championships

They also do things the English usually wouldn't such as go in a sauna naked with their family as well as having a public swimming pool where you swim naked - bathing suits were only allowed from 2001.

Finns have also started to enjoy a new craze of Ice Swimming - where people jump in a hole of black, frozen water for fun.

So if you are an open-minded person, then Finland is the place for you to try all these weird and wonderful activities.  

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